Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Billings Gazette opines that Judge Sidney Thomas would be a great pick for SCOTUS

The Billings Gazette wrote an editorial essentially endorsing Judge Sidney Thomas for the U.S. Supreme Court:

According to national news reports, Thomas isn’t considered among the favorites on a list of 10 potential nominees to replace liberal-leaning Justice John Paul Stevens. However, Thomas is an excellent justice candidate who doesn’t carry the political baggage of the favorites. In the highly partisan atmosphere of Washington, D.C., in 2010, Obama would do well to pick Thomas for his high qualifications and relatively low controversy.

“To have a Montanan as a potential nominee to serve on the highest court in the land is a tremendous honor for our state,” Baucus said last week. To that we add: To have Sidney Thomas become the first Montanan to serve on the high court would be a tremendous boon to justice in America.

You can read the editorial here.

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